The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is among the new breed of foundations making creative use of social media. Founder Bill Strong, whose 22-month-old daughter, Gwendolyn, has a terminal, degenerative disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Bill writes in to tell us: “SMA is the leading genetic killer of children, yet almost completely unheard of. There is currently […]
Secrets and sex education
Secrets and sex education from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Hannah Cordero, program coordinator for the Education Theatre Program of Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, tells about the Secrets program geared toward teens through theatrical performances. Educational Theatre Programs served over 360,000 people in Northern California in 2008. Hannah spoke at the recent sex::tech conference in […]
Mobile + open source = medical diagnoses on the fly
Today sees the launch of an exciting new initiative – FrontlineSMS:Medic – by a growing team of students mobilising around the practical application of mobile technology in global healthcare delivery. FrontlineSMS:Medic combines Josh Nesbit’s pioneering work on “Mobiles in Malawi” with a mobile version of OpenMRS — an open source medical records system — and […]