By Danielle Daley My friends over at the Accountability Lab and the ONE campaign are hosting the Honesty Oscars. Every day in the week leading up to the Academy Awards, February 17th to 21st, ONE and Accountability Lab will unveil a category for the Honesty Oscars 2015, an award that honors not Hollywood films, but […]
Nonprofit Case Study: Periscope for Nonprofits
As a follow-up to my Periscope for Nonprofits Quick Guide, I wanted to focus on real Nonprofit Periscopers, and how they’re using this new tool for social good. Today, I’m featuring Jennifer Tislerics, the Special Events & Partnerships Coordinator for Gift of Life Michigan. Gift of Life Michigan coordinates organ and tissue donations from deceased donors for […]
How social media platforms are responding to the Nepal earthquake, and how you can help
By Caroline Avakian / Photo above courtesy of Facebook It was just a few hours after I found out about the devastating Nepal earthquake that I noticed an alert on my Facebook feed that I hadn’t seen before. My colleague who works in Nepal had been marked “Safe” in Facebook’s new “Safety Check” feature, that […]
3 ways Milaap is changing the face of giving
Milaap creates sustainability by blending crowdfunding and micro lending Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, educators, journalists, general public. Icould begin this post by regurgitating any number of statistics on the sensory and information overload we all experience these days, but I won’t. We all know that that’s the world we live in. […]
8 tools to help you fundraise for a cause
Trying to raise some money? Check out these eight tools to help you fundraise for a cause — whether an individual cause or for an organization or nonprofit.